Mosier Plateau Hiking Guide
Sometime between mid-April and early May, photographers and nature enthusiasts start making the trek up the Columbia River Gorge to see the wildflowers in bloom. Rowena Crest is a popular spot as is Dog Mountain. Unfortunately Rowena Crest is not dog friendly and well, Dog Mountain is not people friendly…Just kidding! Dog Mountain is great if you enjoy steep hikes, but it’s definitely not a leisurely hike. If you’re looking for a gorgeous wildflower hike where you can bring your dog and ease your way into the hiking season, look no further! Tucked up in the hills of Mosier Oregon is a breathtaking view of the Columbia River from on…
Top 10 Things to Bring on a SW Desert Road Trip
Little Essentials to Make Your Road Trip to the Desert States More Enjoyable Prior to our recent road trip, I tried to be mindful of all the things that might come in handy for my family who would be spending a large amount of time in a very dry environment. I kept watching the forecast to see the temps for the Las Vegas, NV and St George, UT areas and they were both consistently over 100 degrees for days on end. The average temps were around 106 degrees. As a native Oregonian, our summers are very comfortable, usually in the mid 80’s. We typically top out at 100 degrees, but it only…
My Visit to the Mary Jane’s Farm Store in Couer d’ Alene
Earlier this year I purchased “Glamping with Mary Jane” to gather inspiration for my own trailer remodel. I then learned that she publishes a her own self-titled magazine and instantly fell in love with all the great ideas for organic gardening and country living. It’s such a lovely magazine and I look for it whenever I’m browsing the magazine isle. So imagine my excitement when on vacation in Couer d’ Alene, ID, I walked past an actual brick and mortar Mary Jane’s Farm store. Are you serious?!! I wanted to go right in, but my family and I were already headed out to hiking, so I had to wait…pure torture! Even…