Herb Crusted Salmon
Herb Crusted Salmon
When you live in the Pacific Northwest as we do, salmon is part of our regional heritage. For generations, salmon have played an important role in the local Native American tribal religion, culture, and diet. Early explorers Lewis and Clark feasted on roasted and dried salmon and made detailed descriptions and drawings of the salmon they saw in the Columbia River, noting how abundant the fish were in the area. Today, we learn about the salmon life cycle in our schools. Students raise fingerlings and release them into local rivers. We visit fish hatcheries and count the salmon in the fall when they migrate up river. We name rivers and streets after our beloved salmon and we support organizations who try to save the wild salmon population. We even have a specialty license plate featuring the salmon. Needless to say we love our wild salmon!
It’s probably not much of a stretch to say native Oregonians have strong opinions on which salmon is the best. Over the years we’ve become salmon snobs connoisseurs and have no problem asking the server if the salmon on the menu is Pacific or Atlantic. Atlantic salmon is always a NO for me because they are farm raised and often dyed to make them appear like a Pacific salmon, plus they really do taste gross to me. Whenever someone tells me they don’t like salmon, I can just about guarantee they’ve had a bad experience eating Atlantic salmon. It’s so not the same folks, not even close!
The Columbia River and the Puget Sound are especially popular spots for salmon fishing, as is Alaska, where the best salmon are caught. This summer, Dan had the opportunity to go out on the Columbia River, near Astoria, with his brother to go salmon fishing. This was his first time and as luck would have it, he was the only one on the boat to catch any salmon…which of course we were VERY excited about!!
Whether you catch your own salmon or purchase it from the grocery store, this Herb-Crusted Salmon recipe is sure to please. This recipe pairs well with rice or potatoes and would compliment almost anything you have growing in your garden. My favorite veggies to serve with salmon are green beans, artichokes or asparagus, but zucchini is also a good choice. Of course salmon will instantly transform an ordinary Caesar salad into an extraordinary Caesar salad. We’ve even been known to serve up left over salmon with eggs for breakfast…because we’re crazy like that!
As you can see it was just after 9 PM by the time this finally made it to the oven! Gotta love the summer schedule! We worked hard weeding the yard and were rewarded with a delicious salmon dinner!
You are probably already aware that eating salmon is good for you. I’m sure you’ve heard that it’s a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, but did you know it is also an excellent source of vitamin B12, vitamin D and selenium. Salmon is a superfood in that it improves bone density and strength, reduces the risk of depression, increases cardiovascular health, prevents cell damage and with high levels of DHA , (which is the main fatty acid in the central nervous system), it helps build children’s brains. Rosemary is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory and is great for improving your memory and skin. Both rosemary and thyme help improve your immune system and are rich in anti-fungal properties. Parsley is especially beneficial for your digestion and your immune system and is great for your kidneys. What’s not to love about all that! All these helpful ingredients come together to make a delicious northwest favorite even better! I hope you will enjoy this recipe as much as we do.

- 1 10oz Salmon Filet
- 2 T Butter, softened
- 1 T Fresh Lemon
- 2 T Fresh Parsley, Minced
- 2 T Fresh Rosemary, Minced
- 2 T Fresh Thyme, Minced
- 1/2 t Garlic Powder
- 1/2 t Salt
- 1/2 t Pepper
- 1/2 t Paprika
- Place salmon on a foil or parchment lined baking sheet.
- Spread butter on top of the salmon. (Both sides if skin is removed)
- In a small bowl, mix herbs and spices and sprinkle on salmon.
- Sprinkle on lemon juice.
- Bake at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes
- Perfect for summertime, this recipe works best with fresh herbs!