Central Oregon Mural Trail
These beautiful postcard style murals included in the Central Oregon Mural Trail are a collaboration featuring two local Bend artists Katie Daisy and Karen Eland. You likely recognize Katie’s work from her line of greeting cards and illustrated books sold in stores all across the country. I’ve been a big fan of her work for a while now, so seeing her work up close at such a huge scale is pretty great! I love how each of the murals contains local birds, wildlife, plant life and the landscapes that are unique to the area. The hand lettering is very much in step with Katie Daisy’s familiar designs. If you are traveling through any of these Central Oregon towns be sure to stop by and see these beautiful walls for yourself.
Greetings From Madras Oregon

715 SW 5th Street in Madras
Greetings From Redmond Oregon

520 SW Evergreen Avenue in Redmond
Greetings From Prineville Oregon

225 NE 3rd Street in Prineville
Greetings From Sisters Oregon

211 W Cascade Avenue in Sisters

351 W Hood Avenue in Sisters
This bonus mural in Sisters is not on the official Central Oregon Mural Trail list, but since it’s painted by Katie Daisy, I’m including it!
Greetings From La Pine Oregon

51429 Huntington Road in La Pine
Four More to Go
There are a few murals in the Central Oregon Mural Trail that I haven’t visited. The remaining murals include Bend, Sunriver, Redmond Airport and Maupin. I will add those here after our next visit to the Central Oregon area.
Use this map to find all nine Central Oregon mural Trail locations:
I created this map as a resource for anyone who wants to find all nine murals. This includes all the murals, even the ones I haven’t visited yet. Mural locations from north to south: Maupin, Madras, Sisters, Redmond Airport, Redmond, Bend, Prineville, Sunriver and La Pine