Kitchen Remodel Before and After
Our kitchen remodel was not the typical situation where a construction team was hired and the job was completed in a few months. We took our sweet time, about 18 months to be exact. The majority of the time was spent researching ideas and troubleshooting ways to make our ideas come to fruition. We hit several road blocks along the way, but we were very determined to try every avenue needed to make it work. Our adventure began when we discovered our dishwasher was broken sometime in March of 2012. After pulling the dishwasher out, we learned it had been leaking behind the cabinets and under the floor, clear into…
Adding Decorative Details Without Breaking the Bank
For years (maybe even decades) I have drooled over kitchen magazines. The designs that really made my heart sing were were the ones that featured lots and lots of finishing details. I love classical Roman architecture, so anything with pillars, corbels, detailed molding and carved trims make me very happy. I’m the opposite of a minimalist. I like details and lots of them…but guess what? Details are really expensive, especially in the kitchen. For instance, the corbels offered by the company that made our cabinets were going to cost $300…each. Well, you can’t have just one corbel holding up a counter, so we were looking at $600 just for one…
How to Make a Custom Cookie Cutter
As I was planning for my son’s Pi themed party, I figured I’d be able to track down a Pi shaped cookie cutter with out too much trouble. (Doesn’t everyone have a need for such a cookie cutter?) I did my usual Google searching and came across a really nice copper cookie cutter on Amazon, but at $23, it was priced higher than I wanted to spend. (Edited to add: I have since seen them on Etsy for under $5, but that wasn’t the case while I was planning the party.) After my online search came to a halt, I called around to some local stores who typically carry unique…
Pi Banner Download
Click Here for the Pi Banner Download
Throw a Pi Party to Celebrate the Math Lover in your Life
When your kid loves math as much as ours does, at some point you’re gonna want to throw them a Pi Party…and what better day to have the party than on March 14, National Pi Day. According to Piday.org, Pi Day is celebrated around the world. Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159…… I don’t know how many people treat this day as an actual recognized holiday, but in our home it is a day to celebrate! We dine on all things circular: Sliced Cucumber Ritz Crackers Doughnuts Pizza Orange…